Couples in Texas may, unfortunately, choose to divorce because of irreconcilable differences. The parties may ask the judge to dissolve their union so they can each go on with their lives. One of the spouses may request spousal support, however. Spousal support or “spousal maintenance” is a monetary payment that one spouse gives to the other for a set amount of time. A Round Rock judge would have to hear both sides of the case before he or she would make a decision on such a matter. The judge would consider facts such as:
The length of a marriage plays a huge part in determining the eligibility of a spouse for spousal support. A spouse would be eligible for such a benefit if the parties were married for more than 10 years. A 10-year marriage establishes the fact that one spouse may be dependent upon the other spouse. The long history will show that one spouse may be accustomed to having finances a certain way, as well.
The courts will consider the history of the parties. A divorce that involves long-term domestic violence will qualify one spouse for the support of another upon divorce. The judge will look at child custody, as well. A spouse that is taking care of a child will most likely be eligible for spousal support. A Round Rock spousal support attorney can help to bring these points to light.
Most spousal maintenance cases are against the favor of the requesting party by default. The defendant may have a strong rebuttal, as well. The requesting party will have to prove eligibility. Having an experienced Round Rock spousal support attorney in one’s corner can help that person obtain the assistance that he or she needs. Divorcing spouses can contact Jackson Law Firm for more information on spousal support and maintenance.