
New Year’s Resolutions after a Divorce

Posted by admin on December 30, 2019
Cedar Park Texas Divorce Lawyer

A divorce will definitely shake up your life, and if yours happens to coincide with the upcoming year, you probably have plenty on your mind. The fact is, however, that a divorce can be like a fresh start. And the new year is a good opportunity to think about New Year’s resolutions that will help you keep moving forward post-divorce. If you have divorce concerns, consult with an experienced Cedar Park divorce attorney today.

Take Care of Yourself

Divorce is hard on you, and the holidays are also likely to be hard on you – but when you mix the two together, it’s a lot. In the new year, make taking care of yourself a top priority – you’re going to need it. This doesn’t have to mean diet and exercise, but eating healthily and exercising regularly can help you be better prepared for the challenges you’re about to face. When you think about taking care of yourself in the new year, think about incorporating fun activities back into your life – things you may have put on hold during the course of your divorce, including:

  1. Spending downtime with family and friends
  2. Picking up an old hobby that’s been sidelined
  3. Taking up a new hobby
  4. Being open to new experiences and opportunities that come your way

Address Important Post-Divorce Issues

Once your divorce is finalized, it probably doesn’t mean that your work is done. In fact, there are likely plenty of details to attend to. Make one of your resolutions attending to these details, and it will help ensure that you don’t encounter unnecessary post-divorce glitches. These details can include:

  1. Changing the titles to your vehicles to accurately reflect ownership
  2. Ensuring that all property is divided according to the divorce decree (along with completing attendant paperwork)
  3. Notifying your car insurer of appropriate changes to your policy
  4. Notifying your HR representative at work of all appropriate changes to your insurance policy
  5. Changing your beneficiaries on financial instruments as appropriate
  6. Taking your name off any debts or loans that you are no longer responsible for
  7. Removing your ex’s name from any credit cards or accounts that he or she is no longer on
  8. If you’re changing your name, notifying the Social Security Administration, your creditors, your employer, and your accounts of the change
  9. If you’re moving, notifying your creditors, accounts, and employer of the change

It’s a lot, but taking care of these details early can help ensure that you don’t encounter administrative issues in the future.

If You Have Post-Divorce Concerns, Contact an Experienced Cedar Park Divorce Attorney Today

There is no good time to get a divorce, but the new year isn’t a bad time to think about New Year’s Resolutions and post-divorce details. The dedicated divorce attorneys at The Jackson Law Firm in Cedar Park, Texas, are committed to helping you move past your divorce with the confidence to face life’s new challenges. To schedule a free initial consultation, please do not hesitate to contact or call us at (512) 528-1900 today.

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