
Is it Time to Speak with a Cedar Park Divorce Attorney?

Posted by admin on March 23, 2020
man and woman holding a pen in front of a divorce contract

Most people do not suddenly wake up one day and decide to get divorced. As the demise of a marriage can be slow, it can be difficult to know when it is time to call a divorce law firm. It is important to realize that just because you have an appointment with an attorney does not mean you are initiating a divorce case. You can still learn about your options while holding out hope of reconciliation in your marriage. The following are some examples of when it is wise to speak with a Cedar Park divorce attorney.

When You are Considering Filing for Divorce

For many people, divorce has crossed their minds, but they might not be ready to start a case or even bring the subject up with their spouses. In this situation, speaking with a divorce attorney and learning about your options might help to clarify the matter. Divorce can seem like a life-destroying event, though it does not have to be with the right preparation, perspective, and legal assistance. Sometimes, hearing about the legal process might help you make your decision either way. 

When You Separate

Some couples separate without the clear intention to end the marriage – often called a “trial separation.” However, separation – even without divorce – can create many issues that should be resolved. Some issues that might arise for separated spouses include:


  1. Who gets what property?
  2. Who pays the debts?
  3. Will one spouse continue to support the other financially if needed?
  4. Where will the children live?


While Georgia law does not have “legal separation” like some other states, an attorney can advise you of your options to resolve any sticking points. For example, you and your spouse could sign a separation agreement that sets out how you will share custody and handle finances while you live apart, and this agreement can simply be revoked if you decide to live together again. Such solutions can reduce conflict and help reduce financial waste during a separation.

When Your Spouse Files for Divorce

If your spouse decides to file for divorce, your first call should be to a divorce lawyer. It is essential that you have your own legal representation to ensure your rights and interests are fully protected. Divorce can wreak havoc on your finances in some situations, and you want to set yourself up for the best possible outcome post-divorce. 

While it might be upsetting for your spouse to file, you should stay calm and look at the situation as practically as possible. The right lawyer can help you resolve your divorce in the most efficient manner possible while still protecting your interests. You do not want to waste unnecessary resources on your divorce, as you want to save as much as possible to start the new stage of your life. 

Learn More from a Cedar Park Divorce Attorney Today

Whether you are considering divorce or know for sure that you or your spouse wants to end the marriage, The Jackson Law Firm is ready to help. Call (512) 528-1900 or contact us online to speak with a Cedar Park divorce attorney you can trust. 


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