Grounds for divorce in Texas may be petitioned based on fault or no-fault declarations. If you are filing for divorce, a Williamson County Divorce Lawyer can explain how fault-based versus no-fault applies to your situation. No-fault requires no proof of wrongdoing. The petition informs the court of the request to dissolve the marriage. Common grounds […]
Divorce marks the end of one chapter of your life. It also marks the beginning of a new chapter and a positive turning point in your life. Before you can fully enjoy the new chapter of your life, you have to settle finances in your divorce. Divorce generally comes down to the division of marital […]
Divorce is not a pleasant process. It is sometimes filled with conflict and always fraught with emotion. It is also an expensive process, involving lawyers, paperwork, and fees. One way that the Jackson Firm seeks to make this process easier is by having people on staff who can serve as a Round Rock divorce mediation […]
In Texas, child custody hearings allow each parent to present their case to the judge. The purpose of the hearing is to determine which parent is more suitable for the child and can provide the healthiest living environment. The judge renders their decision after evaluating each parent, their annual income, and the findings of a […]
Where collaborative divorce is concerned, Texas has been a leader since 1991. Since that year, Texans have had the ability to avoid public, contentious divorce, and instead, reconcile their differences in a more cooperative environment. While it’s a great choice for many of the state’s couples, it’s not right for everyone. Read on to learn […]
Despite what the name suggests, a Final Decree of Divorce in Texas is not always final. Perhaps your former spouse took a new job and no longer has as much time to spend with the children as he or she once did. Perhaps the child visitation schedule set in your divorce decree does not match […]
How property is divided during a divorce varies from state to state. In the state of Texas, adultery can play a huge role in how much the aggrieved party stands to get. While it is not considered a crime, adultery, under TPC § 6.003, is a violation of Texas’ civil laws. While many factors […]
One of the most heated battles in a family courtroom is when the custody of a child hangs in the balance. However, when custody is given to one parent, it doesn’t mean that there will not need to be modifications in the future. Everyone heads down different paths in life, and there may come a […]
Divorce is a stressful upsetting time and no one expects you and your spouse to be able to part without at least one argument or disagreement. The process of divorce is planning for your future. You and your spouse must decide where your children will live and how you will both take care of your […]
Our post divorce Super Lawyer files post divorce modifications of existing child custody and support orders. The Texas Attorney General, explains the modification of child support orders. Your monthly payment amount was ordered by a Texas court, and only a Texas court can change it. If you’re having difficulty making your payments, partial payments are […]